National Institute
for Animal Agriculture
NIAA is the trusted voice for advancing animal agriculture in producing safe and healthy food for the world.
NIAA is the trusted voice for advancing animal agriculture in producing safe and healthy food for the world.
I joined NIAA as a result of the Advanced Leadership Training Cohort and I have found that NIAA is the place I can come to get outside of the dairy/bovine circle. The work NIAA does to convene and collaborate across animal species makes us stronger than any single species or sector working alone.
One of the things I find most beneficial about NIAA is the organization’s ability to bring together different perspectives from a broad range of animal agriculture stakeholders including producers, animal health officials, animal commodity organizations, allied industry leaders, and others for open dialog regarding existing and emerging issues affecting animal agriculture.
NIAA keeps members current on what’s happening in the world of animal agriculture and has a broad and deep resource pool to tap into. The networking opportunities are outstanding as well!
I receive value from NIAA involvement by connecting with animal agriculture leaders across species
and working on topics within our industry that are sometimes challenging to discuss. NIAA provides a collaborative environment to tackle important issues.
We have a dairy and I am a veterinarian for dairy farm families. We market our milk through a co-operative. A co-op helps all members thrive and grow. To me, NIAA is like a co-operative. NIAA gives a voice to all its members by its efforts to create a forum for animal agriculture to discuss issues and solve problems.
Members can make a difference by their participation in NIAA because the ability to influence policies and decisions that benefit animal agriculture is tremendous.
The more you put into it, the more you get out.
I was very impressed by the organization of the meetings, the level of speakers and the different stakeholders coming together with an open mind and collaborative spirit. I think a key benefit of NIAA is being part of a team which works passionately together to learn and try to solve complex issues in the animal agriculture space.
Having been a member of NIAA for almost 20 years, I continue to find it refreshing and valuable to be able to interact with a group of individuals representing the entire spectrum of animal agriculture thru NIAA. The communication system with members is the best that I have ever seen in 55 years in animal agriculture.
NIAA continues to impress me with their ability to keep pace with the rapid changes that affect the current livestock industries. NIAA is able to maintain a balanced view of both industry challenges and public expectations and is able to bring these issues into forum for relevant and effective discussion.
Cattlemen’s Beef Board
Farm Credit
Merck Animal Health
National Pork Board
Farm Journal
Norbrook Inc
ABS Global
Premier 1
American Horse Council
Animal Health International
Boehringer Ingelheim
Creekstone Farms
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
IMI/Where Food Comes From
Innovad Group
John Deere
Kinder Ground
Livestock Marketing Association
Phibro Animal Health
Tyson Foods
NIAA is the leading resource for the animal agriculture industry and provides value to all stakeholders involved in providing safe and healthy food for the world.