

Monday, January 27

1:00 PM Welcome and Opening remarks

Lucas Pantaleon, NIAA Council Co-Chair & Dr. Adnan Alrubaye, University of Arkansas

1:15 PM Setting the Stage for the Convening

1:45 PM What can we learn from Human Health research on lameness?
2:15 PM Species-specific updates

Moderated by Dr. Doug Ensley, Boehringer Ingelheim, a 20-minute update will be provided by each species. In addition to the presentations, robust Q&A will inform our collective knowledge for the next day’s roundtable discussions.

3:15 PM Networking Break
3:45 PM Species-specific updates continued

5:15 PM Closing

Facilitated by Dr. Kaitlyn Briggs, Dairy Management, Inc.

5:45 PM Adjourn to reception
6:00 -7:30 PM Reception

Tuesday, January 28

7:30 AM Breakfast
8:15 AM Roundtable Discussions & Collaborations by Topic

Facilitated by Dr. Kaitlyn Briggs, Dairy Management, Inc.

  • Economics
  • Research
  • Animal Welfare
  • Policy
9:45 PM Table Report Outs
12:15 PM Wrap-up and closing remarks
12:30 PM Adjourn
