Board of Directors
Executive Committee

Chelsea Good JD
Livestock Marketing Association
NIAA websiteVice Chair

Michael Short DVM
Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
NIAA websiteTreasurer

Fabian Bernal
Dairy Management, Inc.
NIAA websiteSecretary

Megin Nichols, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
The Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention
NIAA websiteEx-officio

Eric Moore DVM
Norbrook, Inc.
NIAA websiteAt Large

Jared Wareham
NIAA websiteBoard Members

Tera Barnhardt DVM
Animal Welfare Consulting & Research
NIAA website
Kaitlyn Briggs PhD, MBA
Fairlife, LLC
NIAA website
Adam Brock
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
NIAA website
Stephanie Hill Ward, PhD
North Carolina State University
NIAA website
Paul Koffman
Merck Animal Health
NIAA website
Kelly Loganbill
Bader Rutter
NIAA website
Linda Mills
NIAA website
Polly Ruhland
NIAA website
Roger Saltman DVM
RLS Management Solutions
NIAA website
Jack Shere, DVM, PhD
NIAA website
Justin Smith DVM
Kansas Department of Agriculture
NIAA websiteStaff

J.J. Jones
Executive Director
NIAA website
Jessie Wadle
Manager of Education & Leadership
NIAA website
Morgan Young
Director of Communications
& Outreach
NIAA website& Outreach