Combatting AMR Together: Shared Commitment, Shared Success
The 14th Annual Antibiotics Symposium will be held November 19-21, 2024 at the Colorado State University SPUR Campus, 4777 National Western Dr., Denver, CO 80216.
The Symposium program will continue to lead animal agriculture’s work in a One Health approach to antimicrobial stewardship and combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Animal agriculture will benefit from the expertise and guidance of the speakers and topics at the 14th Annual Antibiotics Symposium.
Last year’s Symposium program set the stage for two collaborative efforts that will in 2024. The Pork Checkoff supported a One Health pork tour in Minnesota in July that convened veterinary, public health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leaders on a tour to multiple swine facilities to learn about biosecurity, stewardship practices, and more. This tour worked to bridge the gap between animal agriculture and human health professionals and connect leaders for more collaborative efforts to combat AMR. The second convening connected farmers and ranchers with CDC officials in Atlanta, GA in August, prior to the UN General Assembly meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received by November 10 for refund. No refunds will be provided after November 10. Registrations are transferable.
Accommodations & Special Dietary Needs
If you have questions concerning access, or if you have any special dietary needs, please e-mail at least seven days prior to the event.
Thank you to our planning team:
- Alexandra Medley, DVM, MPH, DACVPM – CDC
- Heather Fowler, VMD, PhD, MPH, DACVPM – National Pork Board
- KatieRose McCullough, PhD – The Meat Institute
- Chelsey Shively, DVM, PhD, DACAW – USDA, APHIS
- Kris Johannson, PhD, MBA – NIAMRRE
- Michelle Kromm, DVM, MPH, MAM, Diplomate ACPV – Food Forward, LLC
- Courtney Youngbar – Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- Claudine Kabera, MPH – FDA
- Dan Kullot, DVM – Dairy Farmers of America
- Ryan Loseke, DVM – Loseke Feedyard
- Rebecca Campagna, DVM, MPH, DACVPM – National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians
- Karyn Havas, DVM, PhD – Pipestone Veterinary Services
Cattlemen’s Beef Board
Farm Credit
Merck Animal Health
National Pork Board
Farm Journal
Norbrook Inc
ABS Global
Premier 1
American Horse Council
Animal Health International
Boehringer Ingelheim
Creekstone Farms
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
IMI/Where Food Comes From
Innovad Group
John Deere
Kinder Ground
Livestock Marketing Association
Phibro Animal Health
Tyson Foods
Our Vision
NIAA is the leading resource for the animal agriculture industry and provides value to all stakeholders involved in providing safe and healthy food for the world.