
Keynote Speakers

Andy Curliss

Andy Curliss

National Pork Producers Council
Joel Leftwich

Joel Leftwich

U.S. Agriculture Partnership Fund

License to Operate Panel

Rick Stott

Rick Stott

Superior Farms
Dr. Jim Heird

Dr. Jim Heird

Texas A&M University
Justina Graff

Justina Graff

House Agriculture Committee

Consumer Insights

Danettte Amstein

Danettte Amstein

Midan Marketing

Afternoon Keynote/Conversation
Board of Directors Panel from the U.S. Ag. Partnership Fund

Kip Tom

Kip Tom

Former Ambassador to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and farmer
Nicole Montna Van Vleck

Nicole Montna Van Vleck

President and CEO of Montna Farms
Collin Peterson

Collin Peterson

Former U.S. House Agriculture Committee Chairman
Lisa Van Doren

Lisa Van Doren

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Vice President and Chief of Staff
Randy Russell

Randy Russell

President of the Russell Group and former USDA Chief of Staff

Ag Legislation Panel w/ Association Executives

Chelsea Good, JD

Chelsea Good, JD

Livestock Marketing Association


Michael Schumpp

Michael Schumpp

The Meat Institute
Julie Broadway

Julie Broadway

American Horse Council
Zach Helder

Zach Helder

Kansas City Ag Business Council
Andy Curliss

Andy Curliss

National Pork Producers Council

License to Operate Interactive Work Session

Julie Broadway

Julie Broadway

American Horse Council
Emily Stearns

Emily Stearns

American Horse Council
Dr. Jim Heird

Dr. Jim Heird

Texas A&M University
Dr. Eleanor Green

Dr. Eleanor Green

Texas A&M University

Council & Working Group Meetings

Animal Agriculture Innovation & Investment Working Group

Animal Disease Issues & Emergency Management

Kate Dion, DVM

Kate Dion, DVM

Iowa State University
Julia Herman, DVM, MS, DACVPM

Julia Herman, DVM, MS, DACVPM

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Megan Niederwerder DVM, PhD

Megan Niederwerder DVM, PhD

Swine Health Information Center
Jason Lombard DVM

Jason Lombard DVM

Colorado State University
Jennifer Siembieda/Mark Lyons

Jennifer Siembieda/Mark Lyons


Animal Identification & Information Systems

Antibiotics Council


Equine Working Group