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Researchers are building a database to help farmers breed hardier sheep
A database of desired traits for livestock that boost herd health and producer profitability is in development.
Start-ups tackle key issues in animal protein production
Ten start-ups at the AgTech Innovation Summit are tackling key challenges facing animal agriculture.
Insect agriculture company raises 2.5 million dollars – Chapul LLC has begun developing projects to accelerate the growth of insect farming, the practice of raising and breeding insects for use in human food, animal feed, and pet food.
Shortage of skilled labor one of many issues affecting pork producers – Many of the obstacles on the national level revolve around a shortage of skilled labor. The issue is hitting rural communities, farmers, and packing plants.
‘Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.’ brand teams up with Tony Romo – Tony Romo, a former quarterback turned broadcaster, is partnering with the Beef Checkoff-funded brand to promote all things beef.
Mud-slinging between alt-meat and traditional ag is getting dirty – On Valentine’s Day, an alternative protein company suggested carnivores are lousy lovers in a Time’s Square advertisement.
USDA monitoring discovery of African Swine Fever in Caribbean – African Swine Fever is confirmed in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The U.S. has strengthened border protections and is closely monitoring pork processing plants in Puerto Rico.
Methane production in grazing beef systems – Even though livestock’s greenhouse gas emissions are relatively minor in the United States, methane emissions can be reduced by improving forage quality.
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OPPORTUNITIES in Animal Agriculture

The National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research & Education is seeking your feedback. Your help is requested to better understand the needs of the animal health industry data privacy and security concerns related to sharing AMR data from animals. The survey can be accessed here.
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National Institute for Animal Agriculture | 1310A Westloop Place #122
Manhattan, KS 66502 | (833) 877-0121 | communications@animalagriculture.org